A very happy 2019 to you all! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. We're excited for what the year ahead has in store - there is sure to be plenty of incredible breakfasts along the way!
A group of us escaped into the Lakes over Christmas and were rewarded with some stunning days on the fells - check out the view (above) from Skiddaw on New Years day! Our return to the kitchen last week was met with a Mues shortage so we've been straight back to toasting, We'd assumed January would be a quiet one but it seems the UK is on a serious health-kick this year!
Here's a few snaps of our journey through 2018.

Expanded Mues HQ

Thanks for all your support & custom, it's truly appreciated! We wouldn't be where we are today, or have enjoyed the journey half as much, if it wasn't for all our followers, customers, stockists, friends, family & people we've met along the way. Keep up the good work & here's to a cracking 2019!